Title: Event-Triggered State Estimation for Discrete-Time Multidelayed Neural Networks with Stochastic Parameters and Incomplete Measurements
| Authors: Shen, B; Wang, ZD; Qiao, H
| Author Full Names: Shen, Bo; Wang, Zidong; Qiao, Hong
| Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, 28 (5):1152-1163; 10.1109/TNNLS.2016.2516030 MAY 2017
| Language: English
| Abstract: In this paper, the event-triggered state estimation problem is investigated for a class of discrete-time multidelayed neural networks with stochastic parameters and incomplete measurements. In order to cater for more realistic transmission process of the neural signals, we make the first attempt to introduce a set of stochastic variables to characterize the random fluctuations of system parameters. In the addressed neural network model, the delays among the interconnections are allowed to be different, which are more general than those in the existing literature. The incomplete information under consideration includes randomly occurring sensor saturations and quantizations. For the purpose of energy saving, an event-triggered state estimator is constructed and a sufficient condition is given under which the estimation error dynamics is exponentially ultimately bounded in the mean square. It is worth noting that the ultimate boundedness of the error dynamics is explicitly estimated. The characterization of the desired estimator gain is designed in terms of the solution to a certain matrix inequality. Finally, a numerical simulation example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed event-triggered state estimation scheme.
| ISSN: 2162-237X
| eISSN: 2162-2388
| IDS Number: EV7SN
| Unique ID: WOS:000401981800011
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