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CASIA Performs Well in PASCAL VOC 2010
Feb 28, 2011Author:
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The research team headed by Prof. TAN Tieniu of Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of sciences (CASIA) made an excellent performance in the competitions of PASCAL 2010 Visual Object Classes challenge (PASCAL VOC 2010).

With the goal of recognizing objects from a number of visual object classes in realistic scenes, PASCAL VOC 2010 consists of three main competitions: classification, detection, and segmentation; and three "taster" competition: person layout, action classification, and ImageNet large scale recognition. TAN’s team participated in the detection and classification competitions and got the first and second place respectively.

Visual object detection and classification are the fundamental and crucial modules in intelligent visual surveillance which plays an important role in the assurance of the public security and which has been reputed byInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE, U.S.) as one of seven major technologies that may change the world.

CASIA embarked on the research of intelligent visual surveillance in 1998 and has established a system on it ever since. So far, it has published over 80 papers and received 21 patents. Its research achievements have been widely used in national security, citytransportation, and safeguard for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.