
Research Departments

Research Departments

Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing
Oct 13, 2015Author:
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The Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing (CRIPAC) is affiliated to the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Focusing on the theory and technology of intelligent perception and computing, the Center aims at conducting cutting-edge research and applications, and strives to build a world-class research organization in terms of personnel training, technological innovation and technology transfer. Currently, the research area of CRIPAC is mainly focused on information sensing, intelligent recognition, content security, system integration and applications. 

The Center currently has seventeen faculty members including one CAS Member, two NSFC Distinguished Youth Fund awards and one NSFC Excellent Youth Fund winner. These research faculty members are supported by a total of twenty eight administrative and technical staff members, and around seventy over researchers including post-doctoral research fellows, PhD and MSc students, visiting scholars and intern students. 

The Center has a large number of quality publications including more than 600 journal and conference papers and more than 90 patents. CRIPAC also has won many prestigious national and international awards in recent years, including the Second Prize of the National Award for Technology Invention, the Second Prize of the National Award for Science & Technology Progress, the Second Prize of the National Award for Natural Science, the First Prize of the Beijing Science and Technology and so on. Moreover, CRIPAC achieves the best performance on several world-leading competitions, e.g., champions of object detection in PASCAL VOC 2010 and 2011, and the first place in a series of NICE competitions.

Organizational Structure

