
Research Projects

Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling and its Applications in Media Processing
Mar 14, 2014Author:
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Sampling technique is fundamental in multimedia processing and computer graphics, which is important to image synthesis, realistic rendering, mesh generation, and many other interdisciplinary applications. Among all sampling techniques, Maximal Poisson-disk Sampling (MPS) has attracted the most attention since it generates point set with the blue-noise property, which is desired in many of those applications. The most difficult parts of MPS lie in (1) the detection and extraction of gaps in a non-maximal sampling set, (2) the relationship between an MPS and mesh generation, and (3) generation of MPS in dynamic domain, such as video, vector field, and dynamic surfaces. In this work, we shall investigate the method of generating MPS and its applications in digital multimedia processing. Our research will concentrate on four topics: (1) theoretical analysis of MPS in Euclidean space and the corresponding sampling framework; (2) MPS both on polygonal mesh surfaces and in 3D volumes, and applications of MPS in surface remeshing and tetrahedral mesh generation; (3) dynamic MPS, and its applications in multimedia processing, and (4) the quality evaluation framework of the MPS. The technical innovations include (1) solid theoretical analysis of the condition of the existence of gaps in a ready-sampled point set, (3)  a series of simple and efficient algorithms for MPS in Euclidean spaces and on manifolds, and (4) generalization of the static MPS algorithms in dynamic multimedia data. We demonstrate our sampling techniques with applications including video stippling, vector field visualization, dynamic surface sampling and dynamic mesh generation, which are ready to be used in digital multimedia and entertainment applications. The problems involved in this project are of great significance in digital media processing and computer graphics.