Research on User Modeling Based on Heterogeneous Relation Mining in Social Media
Abstract:With the rapid development of social media, massive rich media information has been generated, such as complicated information association between users and multimedia content. How to effectively conduct data mining for accurate user modeling and recommendations becomes the key problem to the development of modern Internet. Traditional user interest models focus on learning user interests from single relation, which cannot be applied in social media. This proposal aims to construct user interest models using rich user interactive resources in social media based on machine learning and social network analysis. The key issues includes: (1) Research on text mining based on topic model and semantic dictionary for user modeling; (2) Research on community mining based on probability model and topic model; (3) Research on user network analysis based on social network analysis and structural properties investigation; (4) Designing recommendation models to fuse different elements to improve the accuracy and explanation.
Keywords: social media; heterogeneous relation; user modeling; personalized services
The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems