
Research Projects

Sub-nuclear Nano robotic Manipulation Based on Scanning Electron Microscope Vision Serve
Apr 15, 2016Author:
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Sub-nuclear Nano robotic Manipulation Based on Scanning Electron Microscope Vision Serve 


AbstractThis project aims to develop new nano manipulation approaches for precision extraction DNA from within a single cell nucleus. Nano robotic manipulation will be conducted using scanning electron microscope as a vision sensor to extract DNA relative to sub-nuclear domains. Different from robotic manipulation at macro scale and micrometer scale, scaling from micrometers down to nanometers poses significant manipulation challenges in force interactions, imaging, and controls. Unique imaging principles of electron microscopy necessitate the investigation of new techniques for vision sensor calibration, visual tracking, and visual servo control. For instance, high image noise and image drift of electron microscopy must be tackled for realizing robust vision-based motion control. Furthermore, since the task of DNA extraction requires positioning accuracy and precision both better than a few nanometers, sensor integration and controller design become more demanding. Specifically, the project will invent new approaches for nano robotic extraction of sub-cellular and sub-nuclear structures; establish new mathematical models to accurately capture stick-slip piezoelectric actuators’ nonlinear behavior as well as their sensing and control; develop image processing and visual servo control approaches using electron microscopy visual feedback; and investigate approaches for minimizing sample damage from electron beam interactions. 


Keywords: nano robotics; nano manipulation; sub-nuclear structures; visual servo control 




E-mail: chao.zhou@ia.ac.cn 

The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems