
Research Projects

Processing and Recognition of Light Field Iris Images
Apr 18, 2016Author:
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Processing and Recognition of Light Field Iris Images 


Abstract: Development of light field (LF) imaging technology provides new opportunities to iris recognition. But a new problem is how to represent and process and recognize iris images in 4D light field. The project aims to establish systematic theories and methods for iris image processing, classification and recognition. We will construct a large LF iris image database and develop algorithms to analyze, represent, process, classify, and recognize LF iris images. The features of LF data such as multi-dimension, multi-view and multi-focus will be used to solve the challenging problems in practical iris recognition applications, such as extending depth of field, iris localization, eyelids segmentation, super-resolution, in vivo detection, race and sex classification and personal identification. A demo system of LF iris recognition will be developed to evaluate the novel algorithms. The research achievements of this project will promote both academic research and industrial development of iris recognition. LF iris recognition technology has wide applications in public security, banking, border-crossing and welfare distribution, etc. 


Keywords: biometrics; iris recognition; light field; pre-processing; iris classification 



SUN Zhenan 

E-mail: znsun@nlpr.ia.ac.cn 

National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition