
Research Projects

Preparation of Novel Multimodal Targeted MOFs-probe with Integration Functions and Its Radiological Evaluation
Apr 18, 2016Author:
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Preparation of Novel Multimodal Targeted MOFs-probe with Integration Functions and Its Radiological Evaluation 


Abstract: Nano scale Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as a class of novel crystalline materials has attracted much attention recently. They have been shown to be a sort of promising in-vivo anticancer agent, as their distinctive advantages such as high porosity, surface area, readily synthesized, and structure controllable etc. We developed a kind of novel nanoparticles Au@Fe-BDC, for the purpose of the targeted delivery of anticancer therapeutics and multimodal contrast agents. Based on the behavior of Au and Fe-BDC particles in optics and magnetics, we utilized the optical imaging, the photoacoustic imaging and the magnetic resonance imaging for the tumor research. In this proposal, we wish to improve the efficiency of tumor diagnosis and to avoid the “false-positive” diagnosis, hence to provide an accuracy diagnosis in early cancer stages. According to the MOFs’ drug loading behaviors, it will increase the specificity and potency during the oncotherapy, but also decease the toxic side effect to the normal tissue. In summary, MOFs will be a prospective integrated probe in the early cancer diagnosis and timely treatment. 


Keywords: targeting probe; multimodality imaging; MOFs; theranostics 



SHANG Wenting 

E-mail: weiting.shang@ia.ac.cn 

The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems