

Details of the Faculty or Staff
Kang, Mengzhen
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Full Name

 KANG MengZhen






Professional Title

Associate Professor


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l        June 2008 to present: InstituteofAutomation, ChineseAcademyofSciences, Associate Professor

l        June 2007- June 2008 Institute of Automation, ChineseAcademyofSciences, Assistant Professor

l        July 1998- June 2007: Capital Normal University, Assistant ProfessorLecturer


l        Sept. 2005-March 2006 &June 2004 – Dec. 2004: The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, Postdoctoral

l        Dec. 2004 –June 2005  WageningenUniversity, the Netherland, Postdoctoral


l        Sept. 2000-Sept.2003 Institute of Automation,ChineseAcademyof Sciences, PhD degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System

l        Sept.1995-July 1998:BeiJingPolytechnicUniversity, Master degree in Biomechanics 

l        Sept. 1991-July 1995 ShanDong Building Material Institute, Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering



R&D Scopes


Functional-Structural Plant Model and its applications


Professional Experience

l        June 2008 to present: InstituteofAutomation, ChineseAcademyofSciences, Associate Professor

l        Sept. 2005-March 2006 &June 2004 – Dec. 2004: The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, Postdoctoral

l        Dec. 2004 –June 2005  WageningenUniversity, the Netherland, Postdoctoral

l        July 1998- June 2007: Capital Normal University, Assistant ProfessorLecturer



Academic Achievements


Her main interest includes functional-structural plant modeling and related topics. She has authored or co-authored more than 20 academic papers in these areas. She developed the GreenScilab (www.greenscilab.org) open-source software for plant simulation and parameter identification.


1.                       M.Z. Kang, J. B. Evers, J. Vos, P. de Reffye. 2008. The derivation of sink functions of wheat organs using the GreenLab model.Annals of Botany. Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications Special Issue. Vol. 101, pp. 1099-1108, 2008.

2.                       M.Z. Kang, P.-H. Cournède, Ph. de Reffye, B.G. Hu. 2008.Analytic Study of a Stochastic Plant Architectural Model: Application to the GreenLab Model.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 78, pp. 57-75, 2008.

3.                       M.Z. Kang, E. Heuvelink and Ph. de Reffye.2006.Building Virtual Chrysanthemum by Calibrating GreenLab Model-a Preliminary Study.Acta Horticulturae. 718: 129-136

4.                       M.Z. KangandP. de Reffye.2007. Amathematical approach to the estimation of sink strength of competing organs. InFunctional-structural plant modelling in crop production.J. Vos, L.F.M. Marcelis, P.H.B. de Visser, P.C. Struik and J.B. Evers(Eds), Wageningen UR Frontis Series, 22,Springer, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, February 23 2007, 65-74

5.                       M.Z. Kang,Ph. de Reffye,J. F. Barczi andB.G. HU. 2003. Fast Algorithm for Stochastic Tree Computation. In:11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision’2003inco-operation with EUROGRAPHICS(WSCG 2003), Plzen-Bory, Czech Republic,Feb 3 - 7, 2003.Journal of WSCG, Vol. 11(1)



Current Research

n      National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC),Study of the genetic basis of yield formation using mathematical plant model and introgression lines, Jan. 2008- Oct. 2010. PI


n      Natioanl Hi-Tech 863 Project: Parametric design and animation of plant 3D structure. Jan. 2008- Oct. 2010. PI


n      Natioanl Hi-Tech 863 Project: Modeling and visualization on interactions between structure, function and environment in virtual crops. Jan. 2006- Oct. 2010.


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