

Details of the Faculty or Staff
Mao, Wenji
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Education and Appointments:

Full Name

Wenji Mao






Professional Title

Asso. Professor


Personal Hompage








2003-2006 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Science Department, University of Southern California

2001-2003 M.Eng. in Computer Science, Computer Science Department, University of Southern California

1990-1993 M.Sc. in Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (with honors)

1986-1990 B.Sc. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University (with honors)


Working Experience

1990-1993 M.Sc. student at Mathematics Institute, CAS, under the supervision of Prof. Ruqian Lu. Thesis work on “Automatic Knowledge Acquisition from English Textbook and Automatic Generation of ICAI Systems”, and participation in the key national project “Expert systems development environment (Tianma)”.

1993-1999 Faculty of Computer Science at Graduate School, CAS and Director of the Intelligent Systems Development Laboratory. Delivered AI courses to graduate students in each academic year; Took active part in NNSFC projects, National “863” High-Tech and National Key Fundamental Research projects in China

1999-2001 Research scientist at German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Key member of the EU project “Social Aid Interactive Development” and DFKI in-house project “Presence”

2001-2006 Research assistant at Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California. Involved in the projects MRE (Mission Rehearsal Exercise) and SASO-ST (Stability and Support Operations - Simulation and Training); Researched on the AI and modeling techniques for multi-agent multi-modal interactions in virtual training and entertainment; Developed the first general validated computational framework of social causality and social judgment based on psychological theory

2006.9-   Associate professor at Institute of Automation, CAS. Currently conduct research on intelligent information processing, computational intelligence, social computing and security informatics.



R&D Scopes

Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Social Modeling and Social Computing, Intelligent Information Processing


Professional Experience

General Chair

Second Annual Asian GAME-ON ConferenceGAMEON ASIA 2010

PC Chair

First and Second International Workshops on Social ComputingSOCO 2008SOCO 2009

Session Chair

Sixth International Workshop on Social Intelligence DesignSID 2007

Second Chinese Conference on Agent Theory and ApplicationAgent2008

PC Member


Associate Editor

Journal of Software


CCFSenior Member




Academic Achievements


·        Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, University of Southern California

·        Research and Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences

·        Institute Director’s Award, Mathematics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

·        Outstanding Student Award, Jilin University, P.R. China

·        Group Awards of the Chinese Key National Project “Expert Systems Development Environment (Tianma)”:

CAS Science and Technology Progress Award (First Class)

Chinese National Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Class)


Selective Publications

[1]         W. Maoand J. Gratch. Evaluating a Computational Model of Social Causality and Responsibility.Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’06), pp.985-992. ACM Press, 2006.

[2]         J. Gratch, S. Marsella andW. Mao. Towards a Validated Model of Emotional Intelligence.Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’06), pp.1613-1616. AAAI Press, 2006.

[3]         W. Maoand J. Gratch. Social Judgment in Multiagent Interactions.Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’04), pp.210-217. IEEE Press, 2004.

[4]         W. Maoand J. Gratch. Modeling Social Inference in Agent Society.AI & Society, 24(1):5-11, 2009.

[5]         B. Martinovski andW. Mao. Emotion as an Argumentation Engine: Modeling the Role of Emotion in Negotiation.Group Decision and Negotiation, 18(3):235-259, 2009.

[6]         X. Li,W. Mao, D. Zeng, P. Su and F. Wang. Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods in Cultural Modeling.Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 24(6):1010-1017, 2009.

[7]         F. Wang, D. Zeng, K. Carley andW. Mao. Social Computing: From Social Informatics to Social Intelligence.IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22(2):79-83, March/April, 2007.

[8]         W. Maoand J. Gratch. Modeling Social Inference in Virtual Agents.Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Social Intelligence Design (SID’07), pp.81-94, 2007.

[9]         W. Mao. Modeling Social Causality and Social Judgment in Multi-Agent Interactions.Ph.D. Dissertation. Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, 2006.

[10]     J. Gratch,W. Maoand S. Marsella. Modeling Social Emotions and Social Attributions. In: R. Sun (Ed.),Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: Extending Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation, pp.219-251. Cambridge University Press, January, 2006.

[11]     W. Maoand J. Gratch. Social Causality and Responsibility: Modeling and Evaluation.Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’05), pp.191-204.Springer Verlag, 2005.

[12]     B. Martinovski,W. Mao, J. Gratch and S. Marsella. Mitigation Theory: An Integrated Approach.Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’05), pp.1407-1412. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.

[13]     W. Maoand J. Gratch. A Utility-Based Approach to Intention Recognition.AAMAS 2004 Workshop on Agent Tracking: Modeling Other Agents from Observations (MOO’04), 2004.

[14]     W. Maoand J. Gratch. The Social Credit Assignment Problem.Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’03), pp.39-47. Springer Verlag, 2003.

[15]     J. Gratch andW. Mao. Automating After Action Review: Attributing Blame or Credit in Team Training.Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS’03), pp.339-348, 2003.

[16]     P. Su,W. Mao, D. Zeng, X. Li and F. Wang. Handling Class Imbalance Problem in Cultural Modeling,Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2009.

[17]     X. Li,W. Mao, D. Zeng, P. Su and F. Wang. Performance Evaluation of Classification Methods in Cultural Modeling,Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2009.

[18]     X-C. Li,W. Mao, D. Zeng and F. Wang. Agent-Based Social Simulation and Modeling in Social Computing.Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Computing (SOCO’08), pp.401-412. Springer Verlag, 2008.

[19]     X-R. Li, D. Zeng,W. Maoand F. Wang. Online Communities: A Social Computing Perspective.Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Computing (SOCO’08), pp.355-365. Springer Verlag, 2008.

[20]     R. Lu andW. Mao. Automatic Generation of ITS from English Text.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE’98), pp.319-324. Springer Verlag, 1998.

[21]     R. Lu, C. Cao, Y. Chen,W. Mao, W. Chen and Z. Han. A PNLU Approach to Automatic Generation of ICAI Systems.Science in China(Series A), 38(suppl.):1-11, 1995.



Current Research

NNSFC Project, 2009.1-2011.12, PI

CAS Knowledge Innovation Major Project, 2008.1-2009.12, Sub-Project PI

Research Foundation Project for Returned Scholars, Chinese Ministry of Education, 2008.10-, PI

CAS Intelligent Information Processing Open Lab Project, 2008.6-, PI

NNSFC Major Research Plan Project, 2009.1-2012.12, Sub-Project Key Member

National “863” High-Tech Key Project, 2007.1-2010.12, Key Member



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