Resume |
1982.9―1986.7,Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA),Bachelor
1988.9―1991.1,Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA),Master
1991.2―1999.9,Beijing Software Center, Chinese Academy of Science,Associate Professor
1999.10―present,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science,Associate Professor, Professor。
Professional Experience |
1991.2―1999.9,Beijing Software Center, Chinese Academy of Science,Associate Professor
1999.10―present,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science,Associate Professor, Professor。
Academic Achievements |
Main honors consist of:
1. The second prize in technical progress of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994 for the assignment of “Parametric & Integrated engineering Computer Aided Design system” (PICAD).
2. The first prize in technical progress of The Chinese People's Liberation A- in 2007 for the mission of “remote controlled system for moving target vehicle”.
Some representative papers include:
1. Shu-Xiao Li,Hong-Xing Changand Cheng-Fei Zhu,Fast curvilinear structure extraction and delineation using density estimation,Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 113 (2009), 763 - 775.
2. Shu-Xiao Li,Hong-Xing Changand Cheng-Fei Zhu, Adaptive pyramid mean shift for global real-time visual tracking,IMAVIS (Image and Vision Computing), 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.imavis.2009.06.012.
3. Cheng-Fei Zhu, Shu-Xiao Li,Hong-Xing Changand Ji-Xiang Zhang, Matching road networks extracted from aerial images to GIS data, APCIP (Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Processing), Shenzhen, China, 2009 , volume Ⅱ, pp.63-66.
4. Shu-Xiao Li andHong-Xing Chang, Road extraction algorithm for aerial images based on total variations and mathematical morphology, Chinese Journal of Computers, 30(12), 2007. (in Chinese)