

Details of the Faculty or Staff
Jiang, Ttianzi
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Education and Appointments:

Full Name

Tianzi Jiang






Sino-French Laboratory for Computer Science, Automation, and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA)

Professional Title



Personal Homepage







BSc degree in Computational Mathematics from Department of Mathematics,Lanzhou Universityin 1984, MSc and PhD degrees in Computational Mathematics from Department of Mathematical and Information Sciences,Zhejiang University(formerly Hangzhou University) in 1992 and 1994, respectively. Assistant Lecturer inSuzhouSilk Engineering Institute (08/1984-09/1989). Postdoctoral Research Fellow (07/1994-05/1996), Associate Research Professor (05/1996-11/1999) and Research Professor (12/1999-now) at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition,InstituteofAutomation,ChineseAcademyof Sciences,Beijing,China. I was withSchoolofMathematicsat theUniversity of New South Wales(06/1997-06/1999), Signal and Image Processing Group atMax-Planck Institute of Cognitive NeuroscienceLeipzig,Germany(06/1999-03/2000),SchoolofComputer Scienceat the Queen'sUniversityofBelfast(04/2000-04/2001), andDepartment of Computer ScienceatUniversityofHouston(08/2002-06/2003). Now I am associated with National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition again as a full Professor and the Leader ofMedical Imaging and Computing, supported byHundred Talents Programs of theChineseAcademyof Sciences.I am also an Adjunct Professor ofZhejiang University,Sichuan University, andLanzhou University



R&D Scopes

  • Computational Brain Imaging
  • Medical Image Understanding and Analysis
  • Imaging Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Applications in Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases

Professional Experience

Regular Reviewer for the Following Journals:

·        NeuroImage

·        Human Brain Mapping

·        IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

·        IEEE Transactions on Imaging Processing

·        IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

·        IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

·        IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

·        IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

·        IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

·        Medical Image Analysis

·        Computer Vision and Image Understanding

·        Image and Vision Computing

·        Bioinfromatics


Academic Achievements

  • The National Distinguished Youth Foundations ofChina(2005)
  • The Second Class of Natural Science Award ofChina(2004)
  • Max-Planck Fellowship (1999)
  • UNSW Vice-Chancellor's Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (1997).
  • The Outstanding Young Investigator Award,InstituteofAutomation,ChineseAcademyof Sciences (1997).
  • The Second Class of the Natural Science Award of theChineseAcademyof Sciences (1996).
  • ZhejiangProvinceOutstanding Youth Award (1994).
  • HangzhouUniversityOutstanding Graduate Award (1994).

Current Research

  • Theory and Methodologies for Digital Context Understanding,National Key Basic Research Projects of China (973),the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2004-2009.
  • Computational Theory and Methodologies for Brain Imaging and Their Applications to Brain Diseases,the National Distinguished Youth Foundations ofChina,National Science Foundation ofChina,2005-2008.
  • Investigation on Key Problems in Information Processing of Clinic Medicine,National Key Basic Research Projects of China (973), The Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2003-2008.
  • Study of Human Uncertain Decision-Making with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,National Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009.
  • Computational Theory and Methodology of Diffusion Tensor Imaging,National Science Foundation ofChina, 2006-2008.
  • Ontology and Context Related Medical Image Distributed Intelligent Access,Regional Program ICT-Asia, Research Innovation, 2006-2008.

Research Interest:
Public Services:

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Supported Projects: