

Details of the Faculty or Staff
Zhao, Dongbin
Highest Education:  
   95 Zhongguancun East Rd., Haidian District, Beijing
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Education and Appointments:

Full Name

Dongbin Zhao






Professional Title

Associate Professor


Personal Homepage




Dongbin.zhao@ia.ac.cn Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.95 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, China





[1]            2007.8-2008.8, Visiting Scholar, University of Arizona, Tucson, U.S.A.

[2]            2002.4-present, Associate Professor,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

[3]            2000.5-2002.1, Post-doctor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



R&D Scopes


Adaptive dynamic programming, Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation System, Robotics


Professional Experience


[4]            2002.4-present, Associate Professor,Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

[5]            2006. 9-present, Senior member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

[6]            2006.1-present, Member, IEEE

[7]            2005.7-present, 5thYouth Committee Member, Chinese Academy of Automation

[8]            2004.1-present, 7thRobotics and Automation Committee Member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society in Welding



Academic Achievements


Since 2002, he has published over 20 international journal papers, 14 book chapters, over 50 domestic journal papers, and over 90 international conference papers(ICRAIROSACCIFACIJCNN). 11 invention patents and 7 utility model patents have been authorized.


Major research (selected 10)

[1]            NSFC Project: Research on Hierarchical Sliding-mode Control Approaches for a Class of Under-actuated Systems, 2006.1-2008.12, $30,000, co-principal investigator

[2]            Contract of Jiujiang Instrument Plant: Development of Intelligent Automatic Rudder control system, 2005.9-2008.12, $120,000, investigator

[3]            Overseas Outstanding Scholarship Fund of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2005-1-11): Research on Internet Congestion Mechanism, 2005.6-2009.5, $45,000, investigator

[4]            NSFC Project (60475030): Coordinated motion planning and control of mobile manipulator, 2005.1-2007.12, $30,000,principal investigator

[5]            K.C.Wang research fund: Control automation in transportation systems. 2006.6-2006.9,$4000, co-principal investigator

[6]            MOST International Cooperation Project (2004DFB02100): Development of Brain Function for Intelligent Robots, 2005.1-2006.12, $15,000, investigator

[7]            NSFC International Cooperation Project (60440420130): Network Congestion Control, 2004.1-2006.12, $35,000, investigator

[8]            Contract of Jujiang Instrument Plant: Software Development of Digital Trajectory Recoding, 2005.4-2005.9, $12,000, co-principal investigator

[9]            Contract of Yankuang UID Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd: Development of Simulation Platform for United Control System of the Integrated Coal Gasification Cycle Combination and Methanol Synthesis, 2004.2-2005.2, $120,000, co-principal investigator

[10]        985 Key Project fund by Tsinghua University: Development of humanoid robot TH-1, 2000.1-2003.12, $750,000, investigator


Patent (selected 5)

[1]            Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi. An acrobat system and method,ZL200510011788.7, 2009.6.3.

[2]            Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi. Air hockey system,ZL200310104460.02008.5.28.

[3]            Jianqiang Yi, Dongbin Zhao, Yiping Hong. A robust natural image segmentation method.ZL200510075540.7,2008.4.2.

[4]            Jianqign Yi, Dongbin Zhao, Xinchun Li, Xuyue Deng, Jianing Li. A mobile manipulator control system.ZL200410074364.0,2007.11.20.

[5]            Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi, Zuoshi Song, Xuyue Deng. A mobile manipulator system.ZL200310104461.5, 2007.6.6.


Award (selected 5)

[1]            2008, best paper, “Design of rope-driven self-leveling robot, The 8thChinese Symposium on Intelligent Robotics.

[2]            2007, 2006, excellent reviewer, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

[3]            2006, best paper, “Dynamic model and control for an omnidirectional mobile manipulator”, The 6thChinese Conference on Robotic Welding.

[4]            2001, First Award for Scientific Progress of Chinese Universities, Ministry of Education of China.

[5]            1999, Second Award for Scientific Progress of National Defense, Commission of Science technology and industry for National Defense of China.


Major paper (selected 10)

[1]       Xiang-Min Tan, Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi, Zeng-Guang Hou, and Dong Xu: Adaptive integrated control for omnidirectional mobile manipulators based on neural-network.The International Journal of Cognitive Informatics & Natural Intelligence, accepted.

[2]       Xuerui Bai, Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi. Coordinated control of multiple ramps metering based on ADHDP (λ) Controller,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. To be published.

[3]       Dongbin Zhao, Xuyue Deng, Jianqiang Yi, Motion and internal force control for omni-directional wheeled mobile robots,IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 14, No.3, pp. 382-387, 2009.

[4]       Dong Xu, Dongbin Zhao, Jianqiang Yi, Xiangmin Tan. Trajectory tracking control of omnidirectional wheeled mobile manipulators: robust neural network based sliding mode approach.IEEE Transactions on System, Man & Cybernetics Part B, Vol. 39, No.3, pp.788-799, 2009.

[5]       Nan Zhang, Fei-Yue Wang, Fenghua Zhu, and Dongbin Zhao. DynaCAS: Computational Experiments and Decision Support for ITS.IEEE Intelligent Systems, Nov./Dec., 2008, pp. 11-15.

[6]       Jianqiang Yi, Qian Wang,Dongbin Zhao, and John T. Wen: BP Neural Network Prediction-based Variable-Period Sampling Approach for Networked Control System,Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.185, No.2, pp.976-988, 2007.

[7]       Dongbin Zhaoand Jianqiang Yi: GA- Based Control to Swing Up An Acrobat with Limited Torque,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. Vol.28, No.1, pp. 3-13, 2006

[8]       Zuoshi Song, Jianqiang Yi,Dongbin Zhao, Xinchun Li:A Computed Torque Controller for Uncertain Robotic Manipulator Systems: Fuzzy Approach,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.154, No.2, pp.208-226,2005

[9]       D.B.Zhao, J.Q.Yi, S.B.Chen, and L.Wu, and Q.Chen: Extraction of Three-dimensional Parameters for Weld Pool Surface In Pulsed GTAW With Wire Filler,Transactions of theASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2003,Vol.125, No.3, pp. 493-503.

[10]    D.B.Zhao, J.Q.Yi, S.B.Chen, and L.Wu, and Q.Chen: Extraction of Three-dimensional Parameters for Weld Pool Surface In Pulsed GTAW With Wire Filler,Transactions of theASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2003,Vol.125, No.3, pp. 493-503.



Current Research

[1]            NSFC Project (60874043): Adaptive dynamic programming and its application in the urban traffic signal optimized control, 2009.1-2011.12, $45,000, principal investigator

[2]            National 973 Sub-Project (2006CB705506): Information fusion, integration, and computational experiments of city transportation system, 2006.9-2011.8, $450,000, key investigator



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